Beloved One,Â
We/I/One invite you to step into the highest version of you to embody the full potential of your divinity. You have been preparing for lifetimes to be here in this NOW.
You hold something unique: codes of light, divine gifts, and a purpose rich in Love and wisdom.Â
Step into the glory of your true divine being.Â
You are powerful beyond measure. DIVINE LOVE and your SOUL are calling you home.
Join me in unlocking the pure potential of your Soul’s divinity.
Join me in unmasking your soul.
Your Soul holds the key to all you seek and search for.
There are no mistakes in life, only divine synchronicities that lead us to the truth we seek. It already exists within you, in your heart.
Love is the alchemy, healer, teacher, and guide to returning home to your most omniscient and omnipotent Self. This is not the self of the ego; it is the Self of Source, of the divine, spiritual being of LIGHT you are.
For you are an emanation of Source, of creation. You hold the love, truth, and wisdom of creation, of Source. This higher part of you is the part that will help you remember who you truly are.
Allowing the merging of the Higher Soul Self aspects of you with the ego self will return you to unity consciousness, to the oneness that is your birthright. It is in the oneness in service to ALL that ALL is made possible.
If this resonates with you, join me on this mission of LOVE, and click below to sign up for a free discovery call.
Learn more about my Soul Love Mastery Mentoring Program below.
I hold you in my heart, beloved.
Amor Aeternus (Eternal Love)Â ~ Elohi Magdalena Rosa
Sign up for a free discovery call at the link below.
Free Discovery CallWhy take the Soul Love Mastery journey with me?Â
Imagine being untethered from the wounds, beliefs, ways of being, identities, and more that have separated you from the truth of your being, your reason for being here.
If you landed on this page, I know you feel a deep calling to discover and manifest your Soul's mission and purpose on this Earth.
Over twenty years ago, I had a dream that awakened me to my Soul's purpose. It was the beginning of my own journey of unmasking my Soul. So many truths came to light as I found the courage to listen to the voice of Source in that dream that told me, "I have a mission for you. One that you won't understand right now, but be patient, for in time all will be revealed to you."
Right before this dream, I was experiencing one of the darkest times of my life. I was in a toxic marriage that was making me ill. I was so unhappy that I became a workaholic because I was afraid to face the truth I had lived with for so many years. That dream was an instantaneous awakening for me. It was so lucid that I remember every detail to this day.
Several months later, despite my fear, I left that marriage and began a new life of self-discovery and reconnection with my Soul. As I surrendered to this new calling and healed the parts of me that had experienced deep trauma, a remembrance from my Soul began to emerge. I started to experience a deeper connection with my spiritual guides, divine/higher self, and the expression of the Source that I AM. My gifts started to emerge like a butterfly birthing from its cocoon. It was all about healing, and I was here to help others do the same.
Do you want to unlock your Soul's divine potential and be who you came here to be?
Then, join me on this journey of Soul Love Mastery!
I have walked this journey for over twenty years now. I can do the same for you.
This program is open to ALL.
If this resonates with you, click on the link below for a free discovery call to see if this program is the right fit for you.
Sign up for a free discovery call at the link below.
Free Discovery CallWhat is Soul Love Mastery?
After I published my book Unmasking Your Soul in 2016, my spiritual guides provided several downloads that became the foundation of the Soul Love Mastery Mentoring Program and the three stages (truth, light, and healing) of the Unmasking Your Soul Blueprint that I take you through in this divinely inspired curriculum. This program is rich in Soul-inspired teachings, meditations, and spiritual muscle-building rituals to help you embody the Soul virtues at the core of its foundation.
In the program, you go deep into your shadow to face your deepest wounds and fears, those that cause you to be out of alignment with the true divine spirit you are.
Why is this important?
Only by discovering who you truly are and embodying the fullness of your divinity and humanity can you manifest your deepest heart's desires.
We engage with twelve Soul Chambers of Light in the Unmasking Your Soul Blueprint. Each chamber is a portal, a gateway, to an aspect of your Soul that is waiting to be reclaimed in its fullest and most powerful light. You can think of each chamber as a Soul archetype with a negative or lower frequency aspect (a mask) and a positive higher frequency aspect (a Soul virtue).
Through unmasking each chamber, you reclaim more of your Soul's highest and truest self. You get to awaken the nectar of Source within your being, that of Divine Love that is your true essence. As we move through the chambers, we restore the parts of your being that are out of alignment with the wholeness and holiness that is the true you. Through teachings, meditations, rituals, and sound alchemy, you get to reclaim twelve Soul virtues that are the foundation of your Soul's ascension and growth in the physical world as more of your Soul's light descends and merges with your human body temple in service to Love and all of humanity.
These Soul virtues include Divine Love, Divine Power, Divine Worthiness, Divine Truth, Divine Light, Divine Purpose, Divine Voice, Divine Wisdom, Divine Mind, Divine Passion, Divine Devotion, and Divine Christ Consciousness. Ultimately, you embody the seeds of creation imprinted in your Soul's DNA, which are unique to you and make you authentically you.
LOVE is the alchemy.
Join me on this journey of Soul Love Mastery!
Soul Love Mastery
Are you ready to embody the divine essence of who you truly are? To reach your highest potential and live from a place of deep Purpose, Wisdom, and Love?
If so, watch the video below and listen to the call of your Soul! See if the vibration feels like a match to what you are seeking.
What are the benefits of taking the Soul Love Mastery journey?
This program will change your life if you are willing to put in the time and effort to seek the truth within you and work directly with your Soul's guidance. Please don't take my word for it; read some of the testimonials below.
You see, my work is to hold space for you and be a bridge to the higher realms and your Soul's guidance so you can learn to find the answers within your own being. I will help you reconnect with the wisdom of your Soul and your spiritual team and guides so that you may remember the truth of your being. Through my sound alchemy gifts, I will help you reintegrate aspects of your Soul from other lifetimes that hold divine gifts you are here to express in the physical world.
You will learn how to become a witness of your human ego, which I call your divine child arising, and become a loving and neutral observer to allow old beliefs, ways of being, identities, and core wounds to dissolve in the alchemy of Love.
That is the foundation of what is brought forth through my vessel as I channel many galactic, angelic, ascended masters and elemental beings of light to support you on your journey. These beings will help untether you from any lifetimes, impacting your wholeness in this timeline. They will transmit light codes, upgrade your light body, and restore your divine blueprint to its original form in service to your highest becoming.
This becoming is really you coming home to the throne room within your sacred heart where you become ONE with the Source that you are. Here the fullness of your divinity merges with your human body temple anchored in Source Love, Source Light. In essence, there is a light weaving that occurs in the work we do together, restoring all of you to your original divine blueprint, the canvas of your Soul as expressed by the Divine being you truly are.
As you deepen into your heart, you will ascend into higher realms, lifted to a higher octave of LOVE consciousness that already exists within the fibers of your being. As this happens, more of your Soul's light will merge with more of your human and divine child, giving you access to seeing through the eye of your heart and the divine gaze of the Source that you are. You will see with new divine eyes and hear with new divine ears so you can discern what is in alignment with your Soul's mission and purpose.
As a result of this transformational journey, you get to COME HOME to your most brilliant and highest SOUL self!
Join today and reap the benefits of:
- Manifesting the life, you’ve always dreamed of, whether that’s to have more love, abundance, a career you adore, a healthy body that sustains and fortifies you, or a stress-free and happier life.
- Connecting more deeply with your Soul so you can access your own wisdom and intuition and know what steps to take in support of your mission and purpose in life.
- Awakening to and experiencing divine love within every cell of your being so that self-love becomes your default way of being, allowing you to stay centered in your truth and washing away the noise of the outside world.
- Connecting with your divine power, setting healthy boundaries, speaking your truth, and making decisions that help you soar and grow in ways you never thought possible.
- Experiencing a greater sense of worthiness so you can go after your heart’s desires knowing that you are worthy of them.
- Embodying who you really are and your reason for being so you can make the most alive choices that bring you joy.
- Becoming a vessel for the divine within you, as you become a conduit for sacred voice and sound, and healing the feminine and masculine; bringing them into divine sacred union for you and all you serve.
Being in alignment with your Soul’s purpose is crucial to achieving your dreams. When you are in alignment with who you really are, you become a magnet for all that you desire in your life and your words gain power and immediacy as you become a divine co-creator and manifester of your life.

Pamela Jane Gerrand
Singer, Songwriter, Creative Muse & Earth Mother
"Elohi Magdalena Rosa is a rare and radiant voice of awakening on our planet; she is devoted to revealing the divine essence in every being and unmasking the beauty of their true nature. She is a soul mentor, gifted healer, sound alchemist, and mystic muse. Elohi’s devotion to her soul purpose and support for humanity’s awakening are inspirational. She is pure of heart, passionate and generous, and is a clear and conscious channel of universal love. Elohi's voice is warm, rich, soothing, and celestial, offering a gateway to other realms and a bridge to the heart of awakened courage, clarity, and compassion. I am deeply grateful for the powerful, transformational work I have experienced working with Elohi in her Soul Love Mastery Mentoring Program! She embodies authenticity, integrity, and compassion and lives her truth in a way that inspires others to do so as well."

Carol Ann Robbins, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist, Psychospiritual Therapist & Healer
 "Elohi Magdalena Rosa creates such a loving container of support and guidance as she heralds you through the amazing journey of unmasking your Soul! Her Soul Love Mastery Mentoring Program is a powerful and transformational process that allows you to uncover and heal whatever may be blocking you, from this lifetime or previous ones, from fully embodying who you are. She masterfully coaches you through Soul oracle readings, sound alchemy, and quantum healing journeys after completing journaling exercises, meditations, and rituals in her Unmasking Your Soul book. What a transformational journey it has been! Elohi is an amazingly gifted, loving, generous, angelic, and a masterful quantum healer! Allow your Soul to guide you to work with her on an unforgettable journey of healing, transformation, and divine empowerment. I highly recommend this program."
Soul Love Mastery Program Elements
This is a one-on-one program where you work directly with me as your Soul guide and mentor.
Here’s what you get on this transformational journey (34+ program hours):
- One 2-hour intake, life-mapping session where we will connect more deeply with your Soul's guidance, identify energetic patterns and imprints holding you back, set program goals, and create intentions for the life you desire to manifest.
- Six 2-hour life mentoring/sound alchemy healing sessions. The mentoring portion of each session uses the channeled teachings from the Unmasking Your Soul Blueprint to unmask the ego-driven behaviors in the way of your dreams and most authentic self. Each session's sound alchemy quantum healing portion focuses on releasing emotional wounds, fears, or subconscious patterns so you can live on purpose and activate your divine gifts. In this program, you embody the Soul Chambers of Light that align with your Soul’s DNA, helping you release your egoic attachments and embody your Soul’s highest potential. A recording is provided after each session and uploaded to your membership site.
- Access to all session recordings so you can listen or view them anytime and anywhere.
- Unlimited monthly email and text access so you can ask follow-up questions or get help processing things that come up in between sessions.
- Weekly 30 to 45-minute check-in sessions to help you stay on track and receive needed support. We will not meet on weeks when a 2-hour life mentoring/sound alchemy healing session is scheduled.
- Monthly teachings, journaling exercises, and spiritual practices to help you embody the higher/ascended aspects of your Soul.
- Access to proprietary Unmasking Your Soul BlueprintSM tools and techniques that will help you navigate your ascension journey and embody your divinity and highest aspects of your Soul.
- Print copy of the book, Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing.
- Lifetime access to a private membership site on the Kajabi platform that houses all your recordings and program materials.
- BONUS: Sound Alchemy Quantum Healing Sessions – up to four 1.5 to 2-hour sessions.

Elohi Magdalena Rosa Bio
Elohi Magdalena Rosa (a.k.a. Anümani), intuitive healer, trans-channel, and voice alchemist, is a sought-after spiritual mentor and transformational leader who channels powerful activations, delivers talks, and offers workshops that empower heart-centered leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers, creatives, healers, and messengers to unleash their Soul's genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic selves.
Elohi is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings (Angelic, Galactic, and Earthly) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She is a direct channel of the Elohim consciousness of creation—Source Love, Source Light. She is also a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage and an activator of the Christ Consciousness and divine mysteries of the sacred heart.
Elohi is the creator of the Unmasking Your Soul BlueprintTM, the international best-selling author of Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing, and a contributing author to EIPPY award-winning book Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming One Person at a Time (Wave 4). She is the forthcoming author of Unmasking Your Soul: Activating the Divine Mysteries of the Sacred Heart. She also created the meditation compilation Activating the Spiritual Warrior Within, Wisdom of the Soul Oracle, and various energy and light-encoded Soul Art.